![The Chubby Church Book 1: A Call to Break Free of Weight and Eating Bondage [Available now!]](https://user-images.strikinglycdn.com/res/hrscywv4p/image/upload/c_limit,fl_lossy,h_1000,w_500,f_auto,q_auto/1264097/91276_610341.png)
The Chubby Church Book 1: A Call to Break Free of Weight and Eating Bondage [Available now!]
The Chubby Church is for men and women who want freedom from weight and eating struggles.
Is that you?
The Chubby Church Book 1: A Call to Break Free of Weight and Eating Bondage is an Award Winning Book from an Author who really gets the struggle and has overcome!
Are you frustrated with your weight?
Have you tried several diets to no avail?
Do have a chronic disease due to poor diet?
Do you struggle with emotional eating?
Humor, research, and insights sure to make for a life-changing read!
BOOK 1 [To order on Amazon, Kindle, or Audible go to - https://www.amazon.com/Chubby-Church-Weight-Eating-Bondage/dp/0997186704] Be sure to email info@wholeandfresspress your receipt for your free gift - The Chubby Church Breakthrough Bundle with Action Plan and Reader's Guide!
In a loving tone with humorous personal stories, practical strategies, and well-researched insights The Chubby Church is sure to help you go boldly toward weight and eating freedom!
You’ll learn:
- How to Habitize Body Stewardship to motivate healthy habits for life.
- Why we over-eat in what Jendayi calls: Grubbology.
- Why we’re super scared to drop our chubby suits in Chubbology.
- How to replace a Dieter’s Mindset with a Freedom Mindset to end on and off again dieting behaviors.
- The Emotional Fitness Workout™ so you can prevent emotional eating.
Finally, a path for victory over one of the most prevalent, yet under-discussed areas of bondage within the church: Weight & Eating Bondage.
Order 5 or 10 books for exclusive bonuses and discounts!
Jendayi Harris is a minister of practical advice on how to do life in Christ well. She’s a Licensed Professional Counselor (CO), Senior Productivity Consultant, Board-Certified Health Coach, and Board-Certified National Counselor. She believes the best thing we can do for our families and Nation is to get healthy in body, soul, and spirit. Jendayi speaks at Fortune 500 firms and churches alike, with an affinity for coaching Christ-centered leaders to optimize their time, personality, priorities, and resources to powerfully impact the Kingdom of God.